Tuesday, December 17, 2013


United States of America  should be aware that India is a vibrant democracy
with Free and Enlightened media and it is not a banana republic. It is not the
first instance where USA has treated our diplomats badly but also our former
President Dr.Abdul Kalam was detained.This cannot go on and the latest
act of arresting Dr.Devyani Khobargade  should be an eye opener for the
government of India. This act of USA is violation of Vienna convention.
This is because of our tolerance and the way we treat and value our 
relationship with USA which is not being reciprocated by them.The moot
question is why only our diplomat was treated like this?. Is it not time that
we also act the way USA acts?.We are a powerful country of 1.2 billion people
and we should also behave like one.The government of India should also look
into the charges that are levelled against our diplomat in New York and take
corrective action, if needed, so that such things donot repeat.

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